Date of birth 11.01.2022
Father (title, nickname, breed, color) Champion WCF Gem Sweet Aegishjalm c
Mother (title, nickname, breed, color) Champion WCF Orange Pekoe U`Bunny BRI e
Date of birth 11.01.2022
Father (title, nickname, breed, color) Champion WCF Gem Sweet Aegishjalm c
Mother (title, nickname, breed, color) Champion WCF Orange Pekoe U`Bunny BRI e
Father (title, nickname, breed, color) Ch.WCF Gem Sweet Aegishjalm BRI c
Mother (title, nickname, breed, color) Olimpia of Berdhouse BRI a
Date of birth 24.11.2022
Father (title, nickname, breed, color) Champion WCF Gem Sweet Aegishjalm c
Mother (title, nickname, breed, color) Ch.WCF Orange Pekoe U`Bunny e
Date of birth - 11.04.2022
Father (title, nickname, breed, color) Ch.WCF Gem Sweet Aegishjalm BRI c
Mother (title, nickname, breed, color) Olimpia of Berdhouse BRI a
Date of birth 25.06.2018г
Father (title, nickname, breed, color) Gem Sweet X’Hvostik BRI c
Mother (title, nickname, breed, color) Gem Sweet L"Tutta BRI h